The city where you want to deliver the order - is itNew Delhi?
Assortment and cost depend on the city of delivery

Payment methods

You can make payment immediately after completing an order using one of the offered methods.

You will be sent a confirmation letter with order information:

We provide various secure payment methods for your convenience:


We accept all types of bank cards in any currency. Payments security is ensured by certified international payment system.
After placing your order, click the button “Go to Payment”.

USD, Euros and other currencies payment is made through the payment system. Bank card processing data is secure. If the transaction currency disagrees to account currency, then the conversion will be made automatically.

Commission - 0% (paid by the seller).
Crediting funds - instantly.


After making the order you need select payment method ``PayPal`` and click the “Go to Payment” button. Next, you will be transferred to the 2checkout payment system, where you need to choose between a Bank card or PayPal and pay for the bill.

Commission - 0% (paid by the seller).
Crediting funds - instantly.


Wise is a safe and secure payment system that allows you to make transfers between accounts of owners within the system, as well as pay Wise bills by transfer from a bank card.

Commission – 0.8%
Crediting funds - instantly

Where to deliver a gift?