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Reviews about

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Overall rating
reviews with assessment
90.24% 74 reviews
6.1% 5 reviews
1.22% 1 reviews
1.22% 1 reviews
1.22% 1 reviews
I would like to thank Larisa for an excellent service provided and patience while taking the order. Individual approach along with high level of expertise made an unrivalled atmosphere of festivity!
Many thanks and kindest regards to you all!

Просто замечательный сервис - на высшем уровне!
Заказ оформлен быстро и легко, оказана высококлассная помощь в организации заказа и сроках доставки!
Менеджер Лариса с терпением и индивидуальным подходом помогла с выбором подарочного пакета а также организации букета. Спасибо огромнейшее за неповторимую атмосферу праздника!
Julia Elsa Potter, The UK, Hampshire
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I am very thankfull for finding these company! Stuf was very friendly and very helpfull. The delivery was on time, even thouse i made an order on the same day of needed delivery and late in evening! Thank you so much :)
Ya ochen' blagodarna Dotsavka bula sdelana vo vremya, xotya zakaz bul sdlelan za neskol'ko chasov do nygnogo vremeni. Ogromnoe spasibo za prenesennue ylubki i radost' mne i polychatelu :)
Viktoriya G, USA, Minneapolis
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Good job!
Yri, Canada, Toronto
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Spasibo za to chto vi delaete takyu xoroshyu raboty!
Natalia Belokopitov, USA, Hackensack
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Many thanks for Yes crew! My sweety Lenochka was suprised and happy! It is the best feeling for me! She love red roses and i love her! But she is so far from me. Thank you very much for your support to my love!
PIGI, Czech Republic, Moravske Budejovice
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Hi all! Excuse, please, my terrible english. I want to say thanks to all YES team. My honey Lenochka in Riga was very suprised and happy becouse of nice roses. Thank you for it. Your service is excellent!
PIGI, Czech Republic, Moravske Budejovice
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Thank you for efficient and timely delivery. Will buy again. Highly recommend! A+++
Alina, USA, San Gabriel
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Spasibo!Servis deystvitel'no cool:)
NYC, USA, New-York
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Ogromnoye vam spasibo! V techeniyi odnogo dvuh chasov zakaz bil dostavlen moyey mame v Taraz, Kazakhstan. Ona bila v vostorge. Spasibo za takoy horoshiy servis. Jelayu vam dalneyshish uspehov.
Vassilya Abdulova, Cyprus, Gazi Magusa
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Total 137 reviews

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